*Cough, Cough* *Snnnifffff*
Dang. Now, I've got it too. *Achoooo*
It being whatever Grace had, gave to Timothy, who gave it to The Wife, who then gave it to me. This bug's been floating around the house for the last few weeks, and we can't quite seem to shake it. Our household has been overrun by bulb syringes, tissues, vapor rub, saline spray, and humidifiers.
Hopefully I'm the last one.
I hate being sick, and I certainly don't handle it well. I think most guys are that way - we get sick and then shut down, becoming incapable lugs. P.K. (Pre Kids), I would be able to lounge on the couch with a blanket, remote, and a box of tissues. The Wife would bring soup and sympathy.
But with kids, I'm realizing the world doesn't stop revolving when I don't feel well. The little ones still need attention and food, and I'm pretty sure The Wife wants me to help out with that.
As far as sick kids go, we've been pretty lucky. This is only the second time I can remember Grace getting sick since she was born, and Timothy has handled feeling under the weather pretty well.
I'm just ready for this to all be over. Healthy kids and parents sleep better, and we're almost out of tissues.
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