October 17, 2011


I love milestones.

Love may be an understatement. I'm the guy who celebrates every time my truck's odometer shows a number with a bunch of zeros after it. Needless to say, 50,000 miles was a big day for me and my Ford. But as I've become a softie I've realized there are milestones that bring me much more joy.

My son rolled over for the first time tonight, and The Wife and I were there to witness it. Well, technically we missed the first time. He was in his crib taking a nap and woke himself up by rolling over. Wanting to see if it was just a fluke, we promptly picked him up, placed him on his belly time mat, and waited. It didn't take long before he was on his back again. So we saw the SECOND time he's ever rolled over. Still very cool.

Non-parent readers are probably less than impressed with our child's accomplishment and wondering why I'm even mentioning a feat 99% of humans can do. That's fine. I understand. My wife rolls her eyes every time I point out a mileage milestone. She thinks they're ridiculous.

To me, milestones like Timothy's, or Grace starting to count to 10 on her own are a big deal. Our kids are learning and growing, and it's fun to watch. As a Marine who has to deploy the only thing I don't love is knowing it's likely I am going to miss some of these moments.

I am going to cherish each one.

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