October 14, 2011


I had higher expectations for my first post.

I wanted it to grab your attention, set the tone, and leave you with a warm and fuzzy first impression. Instead, my creativity was stunted by the need to suction the snot out of my three-month-old son's nose. And the longer I sit here, the more my daughter's desire to mash the computer keys grows. I've got to make this quick.

This blog is the product of a need for a creative outlet. I'm plenty busy, so the decision to add another commitment wasn't made lightly. My only expectation is that I want this be a place for me to write down the thoughts in my head as I learn how to balance being a husband, father, and Marine. It's also an archive for my children to read someday to answer burning questions like where they got their weird senses of humor (me), lack of rhythm (me), and insanely good looks (their mother).

Here we go ...

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